“Several years ago, I had surgery on my breasts. The surgery was successful, but left me with nipples that looked like they had been chewed up and re-sewn on. I was too embarrassed and didn't want to go back to surgery to have them 'fixed' so I just accepted that they were what they were. Then Jenean told me about Medical Scar Tattooing or Paramedical Tattooing. I had known that Jenean was an excellent artist and was very curious especially when I looked up pictures of what the tattooing could do for nipple scarring. I don't think I would have wanted to try this with just anyone, but I trusted in Jenean's artistic talent. The first thing I noticed was how calming and beautifully her office was set up. Being in the healthcare industry I was also very particular about cleanliness and sterile technique, etc. I have to say it was one of the most professional and rewarding experiences that I have had. The procedure took maybe 1 hour. I did not have any pain during the procedure and I could see results immediately after and what a transition it was. Though I have a very loving husband, that didn't care what my nipples looked like, it was so mentally great to have normal looking nipples again. The recovery period was also very uneventful and positive. I have to say that Jenean has an awesome practice that I know will flourish because of her attention to detail, professionalism with her clients that makes you feel very comfortable when being very exposed and her artistic abilities. Jenean I cannot THANK YOU enough!! I would highly recommend her for anyone that needs repairs or cover up of scars and/or replacement of 3D nipples, etc. Awesome experience and business.”
-Melissa Becker, RNC, MSN, WHNP